Once we have created a solid product, we'll help your sales team take it to market.
CAMP7 uses surveys, interviews, and observation to conduct a comprehensive industry asessment.
CAMP7 monitors Key Performance Indicators at 3-week intervals, adjusting strategies as needed.
We identify technology, training, and processes to take your product to the next level.
Our team includes multiple designers, a full time project manager, and sample makers.
Mission Roller Hockey - KDH Defense Systems - Adventure Medical - Phiser Laser - California Medical Products - JanSport - NoJo Baby Products - Protech Armor - Babymainia - MGM studios.- Hatch Gloves - Travelsmith - Savvy Armor for women - Classic Cottonworks - Sport Chalet - Mantis Bicycle Company - Safariland, Second Chance - Specialty Defence - Pacific Mountain Sports - Advanced Base Camp - DelMar Avionics - BAE Systems - McGillvery Freeman films (IMAX) just to name a few.
AdvanceD technology for sports, military, medical, fashion